Version 2.31
- Improved app colour handling
- Updated ‘About’ page
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where white text appeared on white background
- Stopped app crashing when main screen recalled from memory and re-enabled screen rotation
- Improved handling of decimal places where phone, app language and keyboard layout may conflict
Version 2.30
- App now targets the latest API 33 and raised minimum API to 28
- Updated apps UI, handling of subscreens and colour scheming
- Preferences updated to include temperature and improved for unit selection
- Updated references and their formatting
- Bug fixes
- Fluid deficit calculator no reports correct volume
- Volumes correctly reported for transfusion PCV when some values entered
- Fixed issue in amount to feed calculator
- App screen rotation fixed to portrait as causing some crashes
Version 2.28
- Bicarbonate deficit calculator no longer crashes when correction dose selected
- Few icons updated to match color scheme
- Text for CRI calculator updated to improve usability of results
Version 2.27
- Results can now be printed as PDFs
- Support for dark/light theme added
- Updated UI throughout app
- Bug fixes
- Corrected issue where energy calculator crashed in certain circumstances
- Contact button now loads email apps only rather than all text based apps
- Stopped fluid calculators crashing if 0 value given
- Stopped crash occurring in Android 22 or earlier
Version 2.26
- Bug fixes
- Stop gestation calculator crashing
- Prevent some calculators crashing when zero value provided
Version 2.25
- Added pulse pressure variation calculator
- Small UI change
Version 2.24
- Updated graphics (now vector based)
- Support for different shapes in the latest versions of Android
- Correction of a few bugs that caused crashes or anomalies when drug preferences were modified or accessed
Version 2.23
- Added suture size conversion
- Bug fix for acid-base calculator
Version 2.22
- Bug fixes where app was crashing on update for some users
- Further bug fix for number input correcting issue in 2.19-2.20 where some Android phones cannot offer the user a ‘,’ for decimal input
Version 2.20
- Bug fix for number input correcting issue in 2.19 where some Android phones cannot offer the user a ‘,’ for decimal input
Version 2.19
New species added (alpaca, cattle, chicken, goat, horse, pig, sheep)
- Emergency calculator for horses
New drugs added (150+)
User can add/delete their own drugs
- Acid-base calculator improved
- Species specific values now used
- Algorithm improved
Improved number support for non-English locales (handling of decimal places improved)
User interface improvements and bug fixes
- Beat and cardiac counter graphics updated and scaling issues corrected
- Formatting of titles, results and references standardised
- Parameters in echocardiography calculator now reported correctly
- Free water deficit calculator now correctly declares “no deficit” for all values above 0
- Decimal places for results handled better
Note: This release drops support for Android versions prior to 5.0 (tiny fraction of current users) to improve user experience.
Version 2.18
- Bug fix for free water deficit calculator
- Updated reference for free water calculator
- Bug fix for rounding of negative numbers
Version 2.17
- Added giving set drop counter
- Added mean arterial pressure calculator
- Other small changes
- App icon updated
- Some calculator icons updated
- Card layout for results updated (swipe to dismiss removed as too sensitive & frustrating)
- Age calculator now shows total number of days
- Sodium Bicarbonate calculator now gives suggested doses
- Numerous other changes to improve individual calculators
- Bug fixes
- Corrected problem where CRI drugs (nitroprusside & noradrenaline display each others concentrations)
- Fixed issue where non-decimal values cause crashes in preferences
- Reference & results text changes
- Stop black bars when lists scrolled in earlier versions of Android
Version 2.16
- Added pressure conversion calculator
- Small changes
- Drug calculator now always gives the results (even if unfeasibly small)
- Some calculators no longer use scientific notation for very small decimals
Version 2.15
- Added coma score calculator (modified Glasgow)
- Improvements to heart beat counter
- Improved accuracy
- New interface for saved results
- Displayed as ‘cards’
- Swipe to dismiss on Android 4.0+
- Swipe to ‘go back’ disabled by default
- To prevent accidental exit from calculators
- Option to re-enable in preferences
- If enable swipe to dismiss for saved results is disabled
- Changes to dialog so that all adopt ‘Holo theme’ where possible
- Change to some of the apps wording
Version 2.14
- Corrections for free water and bicarbonate deficit calculators
- Now correctly compensate for weight kg/lb
- Pain score calculator bug fix
- No longer crashes on tablets
Version 2.13
- Heart beat calculator bug fix
- Stop crashes in pre-Android 4.0
- Minimum of two beats required
Version 2.12
Google Play
- Heart beat calculator
- Android 4.3 Compatibility
- Pre-Android 4.0 devices have improved features and UI
- BSA references shown correctly
Version 2.11
Non-Google Play
- BSA references shown correctly
Version 2.10
- Calculate free water deficit
- Calculate bicarbonate deficit
- Additional SI Units added (e.g. kPa) and more calculators support SI/US units
- Additional species have been added to the body surface area calculator (ferret, rat, rabbit, mouse, guinea pig & hamster)
- Dose calculator now gives superior results when tablets used
- Transfusion calculator allows a donor to be specified and will calculate their final PCV
- Ideal weight calculator now gives result in kg, lbs. and st.
- Bug fixes
- Drug preferences no longer crash for non-English languages when saved
- Rare crash where app resumes on saved result should no longer crash
- Comment for BCS removed from BSA calculator
- Preferences grouping more intuitive and drug or species preferences now save when back button is pressed
- Some graphics updated for certain fluid calculators
- Only users that are being upgraded are will be shown the update message
Version 2.00
- Users can now save calculated results
- Calculated results can now be sent/shared
- Animations are now consistent across the app and much smoother
- UI of the app has been overhauled. Supporting the UI of the android version that the app is installed on
- Result screens now all have a consistent look
- Calculator designs standardised and improved
- Navigation across the app more consistent and useful
- Backup and restore feature enabled
- Silent process and cannot be forced by user
- If re-installed or installed on a new handset all previous settings and preferences will now be restored
- Ability to customise the values used in the app have been greatly expanded
- Numerous other tweaks and improvements
Version 1.21
- Preference (mmol/mEq) now also work in Acid-Base Calculator
- Phlebotomy calculator no longer allows the current PCV > desired PCV
- If a temperature is lower than the reference range it is now coloured a light blue to reflect this
- When weight is in pounds ‘Drug Calculator’ now give the correct amount
- Weight & volume conversion calculators interface updated
Version 1.20
- Erythrocyte indices calculator
- Calculate MCV, MCH, MCHC
- Species specific ranges provided and these ranges are referenced
- CRI calculator now allows rate to be in ‘ml/hr’ as well as ‘ml/kg(lb)/hr’
- Extra species added to temperature conversion calculator and references for species ranges provided
- Giving set selection simplified and new preference added
- Users can choose preferred giving set
- Other corrections & improvements
- Acid-base calculator parameters tweaked and calculator now identifies normal blood gases
- Dilution calculator (volume to add) no always gives correct totals volume and no longer allows for negative volumes. Issues where volumes gave extremely large integer fixed
- Result screens for several calculators standardised
- A few grammatical corrections
- Several other minor tweaks
Version 1.13
Google Play only
- Fixed crash when ‘Time & Dates’ screen opened
Version 1.12
- Serum osmolality Calculator added
- 10 drops/ml option added for giving sets
- Update message now only shows once rather than repeatedly
Version 1.11
- Age Calculator
- No longer reports date as “future” for certain days that are “past”
- Fixed error where certain ages would one month longer than they should be
- Corrected calculator title
- CRI Calculator
- Dialog for listed drug loading dose/CRI amounts now only accepts numbers and a single line of input
Version 1.10
- Emergency Drug Calculator
- New drugs added (Calcium chloride & gluconate, doxapram, furosemide)
- Species option for dog & cat (for lidocaine dose)
- Atipamezole removed. It was assumed that 10µg/kg medetomidine was used however this wasn’t stated. Risk of confusion, overdose and lack of option for dexmedetomidine meant this drug was removed.
- Correction to defibrillator
- CRI calculator updated
- Now accepts a loading dose
- Correction: ml/kg/hr now gives this rather than ml/hr
- 33 drugs added (see here) with ability to customise their conc. and doses
- Energy calculator no longer resets weight (unless weight set in animal config.) when energy category changed
- Improved support for number formats (non-decimal point locales)
- Fixed bug that caused crash in acid-base calculator
- Option to reset calculators user defined values to default provided in preferences
- Links to preferences added to some calculators to increase visibility of apps configurability
- Increased profile for rating app and giving feedback
- Note: Clicking ‘rate’ causes button to permanently disappear (rating doesn’t have to be left!)
- Option to select desired email client for sending feedback
- VetCalc+ logo now links to about page
- Web link added to about page added
- Grammar corrections
- Stability and performance improvements throughout
Version 1.02
- Fluids calculators improved (fluid bag and extra preferences)
- Improved support for tablets (3.2+)
- Minor bug fixes